Showcasing Cognitopia 2.0
Already an excellent tool for creating a digital portfolio with many powerful uses including self-directed IEPs, work-life management routines, or creating an engaging multimedia showcase of someone’s unique skills, needs and aspirations, we are excited to give you a peek behind the curtain to see what’s to come in our impending release of Cognitopia 2.0. Guided by hands-on input from our broad community of users, our programming team has been hard at work over the last 18 months to bring platform-wide accessibility, new functionality, and important feature upgrades to fruition. Whether you’re helping a person on the spectrum to organize and execute goals for a transition to employment or you are showcasing an important event using Cognitopia’s uniquely easy-to-navigate hub and spoke interface, Cognitopia 2.0 will be the best tool available for getting the job done. Take a look at a few development screenshots and enjoy musing about this exciting, future utility upgrade:

We are excited about what’s to come and will soon be releasing more screenshots from “behind the We are excited about what’s to come and will soon be releasing more screenshots from “behind the curtain” here at Cognitopia. Let us know what you think, especially if you see that one of your requested features has come to life, and stay tuned for further updates!